2013년 5월 21일 화요일

Battling with oneself : Marathon

    Have you ever heard the name, Gi-Jeong-Son? If you aren't Korean or Japanese, you would not know him. Actually, young kids in Korea don't know him well. Son was an Olympic gold medalist in 1936 Berlin, Germany. Event that he got medal is 'MARATHON'. In 1936, Korea is ruled by the Japanese. At that time, Son belonged to Japan and he ran the course with Japanese flag. After he finished the race, he didn't rejoice. And he came back to his locker room as soon as possible. It is sad story to Korean. But it is also happy thing because he is Korean and he got an Olympic gold medal. I really wanted to tell this story to more readers. So I wrote a little bit long. Back to the point, in this time I will introduce famous and easy sports, marathon. Marathon has 4 events; 5km, 10km, 21.0975km, 42.195km marathon. Each marathoners choose each events with their ability. I will write a few things why people do marathon.
    First, marathoners can improve their cardiovascular endurance development. 5km or 10km event are a little bit easy to adult men. Normal adult man runs 5km only 20-40 minutes. But 21.0975km and 42.195km event are difficult to normal adult men. Professional players like Son runs 42.195km for 2-3 hours. But player who just does marathon as a hobby runs 4-5 hours. Can you imagine that people runs for 4 hours? There is no sports that exercise more than 3 hours without a break. Some players just walk when they are out of breath. However, when they feels well again, they runs. If you practice to do 21.0975km or 42.195km marathon, you could improve cardiovascular endurance development more than any other sports.
    Also, you can improve patience. If you try to run long time, you would get troubles because legs are too painful and you are out of breath. But above all, you want to give up race. If there is still a long way to go yet and your body condition is terrible, you could think 'Ah....I just want to give up.'. People say that marathon is 'Battling with oneself sports'. People who don't have passion and tenacity give up easily. So it can be meaningful time to challenge marathon. If you practice marathon, you could improve patience and get tenacity.
    As I said before, it is really rewarding time to challenge marathon. If you do not practice marathon like professional players, you could learn many good things from marathon. I had ran 5km marathon when I was in middle school. In first time when I practice to run race, I really want to give up. I repeated again and again, I can handle it. And finally I finished race easily. Do my information about marathon become informative to you? I hope so =). I will come back with good posting about another sports. I add two pictures about Son.

댓글 1개:

  1. Hello I'm Jin Hwan. I think that marathon is one of the hardest sport. Marathoner countinue running until finish line. Marathoner has strong mental and body. Later, I must give a challeng marathon. Bye bye
