2013년 5월 22일 수요일

Peace In The Mind : Yoga

    In front of several people, there is a woman who stretches her body. She demonstrates some gestures and other people follow her movements. Maybe you imagine like this situation when hearing the word 'Yoga'. Perhaps, you would imagine that a woman do some gestures while watching TV. It is natural thought to imagine the previous two situations when hearing 'Yoga'. You don't have to prepare some expensive instruments. When you want to do 'Yoga', you just buy a mat to protect your body from hard ground. Now, I will inform some advantages to do cheap and easy sports, yoga.
    First, you can get slim body and nice body shape. I told that swimming makes you nice body shape when I wrote posting about swimming. Of course, you can have a good shape. But, when you swim your body consists of many muscles. And your body become a muscular body. But if you just want to fit nice and don't have to make a muscular body, it is great to do yoga. We don't have to use our body hardly. We just stretch and relax. You would get slim body and nice body shape naturally while doing yoga long time.
    As you could improve patience while doing marathon, you could improve peaceful mind while doing yoga. Except dieting yoga, almost yoga's gesture are static and peaceful. You don't have to string up your nervous unlike other sports like soccer. baseball, basketball, etc. Many people wants to do yoga because they don't want to compete with others. Without competition they just do yoga for self-development. In the silent room, they relax their body peacefully. You would improve peaceful mind naturally while doing yoga long time, too.
    You can gain these two advantages from yoga. Also, your body becomes more flexible. As I said before, you don't have to prepare expensive instruments. Plus, anyone can do yoga even kids and old people. In addition, yoga don't take long time. It is really useful and helpful sports. So when you have time on your side, it is really great to try yoga. Thanks for reading my poor posting. Bye =)

댓글 3개:

  1. Hi, I'm Ji Won. I have learned yoga. It is nice activity I did ever. Thank to yoga, my skill to cope with negative situation is changed. Among these skill, Relaxed breathing is one of the way to concentrate anything. If you train this breathing, you can apply this skill to anything as well as yoga.

  2. Hello Seung woo! I think Yoga is very effective exercise. It is cheap and easy sport. It is good to diet also. when I learned Yoga, I feel nice and relax. My stress was gone because of Yoga. Yoga is very good sport!

  3. Hi Seung Woo! I'm Hye Mi! Yoga is really good exercising. But I'm not flexible as much as I can copy a yoga action... However I want to learn yoga someday! It will help to lose my weight. Thank you for your information. Bye!
