2013년 4월 13일 토요일

The virtue of the pipingness : Fishing

     Hello !! =) As you saw from title, I will write about fishing this time. I usually wrote about sports, so you may feel confused. You might say "Fishing is sports? It's not possible!" But I think fishing is sports. Because every sports have two features. Competition and physical activity. It will be easier for you to understand when you think another sports like football, baseball, basketball. Fishers have to compete, because the amount of fish is limited. And of course we use almost every body. Therefore I think fishing is sports. So in this time, I will write about fishing!! I will simply tell you two advantages of the fishing.
     First, it is typical feature of the fishing, PIPINGNESS. When you think common fisher, you might imagine that there are a man who is in front of the river, wear hat, sit on small chair and just wait. This is typical shape of fishers. Even we just look fishers, we can feel pipingness. Fish are not caught instantly when you throw a fishing line. So you wait for a while until fish is caught. Time gap is very flexible. So it is 5 minutes, 10 minutes or even 30 minutes. Fishers have lots of time, so maybe they read a book, communicate with friends, or think about tomorrow's plan. So, you can feel pipingness while fishing.
     And you can know the virtue of CHARITY. It is not corresponding when you fish to make money, but it's not, you would know. When fishers catch fish, they usually get 1~2 fish and let others go. Because they think that fish also has their own life, so we should not interfere. It is maybe implicit rule among fishers. So you just enjoy fishing, you can learn real charity.
     As I wrote before, Fishing is beneficial SPORTS. You can learn the virtue of pipingness and charity. And also you don't have to pay much money to fish. Because once you bought fishing rod, you don't have to buy every time until break it(but you have to buy bait every time, fortunately it isn't expensive). So when you have enough time to enjoy leisure, it is good way to enjoy fishing. I will come back while have another interesting sports posting~~. Bye bye.

댓글 1개:

  1. Do you go fishing a lot? It seems like you are knowledgeable about fishing. Do you usually fish in a river or lake, or on the ocean?
