2013년 3월 17일 일요일

Tactical movement about FC barcelona's play

       Hello. =)  Let me introduce myself before writing. I am 20 years old now, and a common football fan. I've seen football almost 4-5 years and I became a fan of FC barcelona 3-4 years ago. My writing skills and experience are a very little to write this article, so you understand a lot, please. Now, let's start! Before I write FC barcelona's tactical movement, I briefly introduce players that runs in FC barcelona. Andres iniesta who is given 2012 best football player in Europe, EURO 2012 MVP and Lionel messi who is given four consecutive years in current FIFA Ballon d'Or that is given to best player and Carles puyol who is pillar of the FC barcelona defense and who is captain of FC barcelona run in FC barcelona. And Xavi hernandez who is called pass master and who is subcaptain of FC barcelona and Victor Valdes who is goalkeeper of FC barcelona run in FC barcelona. In addition, there are great players, supervisor, coaches in FC barcelona. And I'm going to start tactical story in earnest. Tactical movement can be divided into three parts.
       First, it is the FC barcelona's youth system. FC barcelona's youth system informs children who want to be a soccer player in future how to play soccer better. I introduce youth system's simple steps, there are Infantil that belong to 13-14 years old players and Cadete that belong to 15-16 years old  players and Juvenil that belong to 17-19 years old players. They play with young players in those steps and they play with real football players in barcelona B. They gain experience in barcelona B and thet finally plays official game in FC barcelona. Inesta, Puyol, Xavi and Messi undergo those steps. And there are Korean players who undergo those steps. For example, Seung Woo Lee and Seung Ho Baek and Gyeol Hee Jang undergo those process. This youth system makes current share play in FC barcelona and there are ten players who undergo youth steps in best eleven of FC barcelona.
       Second, it's 'tiki-taka' pass play. 'tiki-taka'  is spainish that is referred as ping-pong ball which moves back and forth. In football, 'tiki-taka' means that football players pass the ball in a short and concise. Young players learn 'tiki-taka'  first in youth system and the basis of FC barcelona's share play is 'tiki-taka' . it's easy to understand after seeing this video from youtube.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azH30CqfrEE&feature=player_embedded. FC barcelona's players play like this and they break opponent's pressure and find a way out to move ball.
       Finally, it is wingback's active overlapping. You may not know what is overlapping. Overlapping is that defense player helps attacking. When they should defense opponents, they defensed side area and when players team is going to attack, they helps attack so increase attacking player in opponent's area. This video is that Daniel alves who plays in right back helps attacking and makes chance.
      There are a lot of tactical movement like off the ball movement, zero top, offside trap, but I will post next time. Thank you for taking time to read my article, and I hope that many people like FC barcelona. Now, you will see football game tactically. Finally I post some photos and conclude posting. =)

(photos from www.culecorea.com)